Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Care Package

A week ago I received a care package from my university campus ministry, Wittenberg Lutheran Center. I was expecting it for over 2 weeks and was very excited to receive it. I got back from my 7 Churches tour on Sunday and had a note indicating that I had a package to pick up. Well, Monday was crazy, so I was unable to go pick it up. But Tuesday, I ventured over to the PTT (post office). The gentleman working there did not know English, but I had my note indicating that I had a package, so he was able to go and find the right one. He handed it to me, and then I tried to carry it. Well, this package was 13 pounds! It was actually a bit of a struggle to carry across campus back to my dorm. What could possibly be in this package that would make it weigh 13 pounds?

I promised my church family at Wittenberg that I would open the package over Skype so they could see my reaction. So my package just sat in my room that evening, tempting me to open it. So I went to bed early and set my alarm for 3am, which is 7pm back in Normal, IL, right in time for their Bible Study. It was so wonderful to see all of the people that put together my care package "face to face." I was actually quite nervous to open this package since they all wanted to see my reaction to it. What did they put into this package? Was there live snakes? Confetti? Jack in the Box? I was excited but a bit apprehensive.

I had requested for them to send me a few things: 1) granola bars from Aldi, which are my favorite kind (granola bars are a bit hard to find in Turkey and are quite expensive when I can find them), 2) A Hershey bar, as I absolutely LOVE Hershey's Chocolate bars (you can find chocolate in Turkey, but more Snickers and Twix, not Hershey's. There are other chocolate bar brands, but I wanted some good ol' Hershey's), 3) dried fruit (as it is very expensive in Turkey), and 4) a notebook for a new journal, as my current one is almost filled up. 

Well, when you ask the LORD for something, the LORD will give abundantly. He just used my church group to display this to me. Here's what was in my package. If you notice, most of it is food, since I really love food!


I received 30 granola bars (almost enough to eat one a day until I leave!),

 23 Hershey chocolate bars AND a 1 pound chocolate bar (so much chocolate!!!!). 

There were also 2 notebooks and some additional candies from their Easter basket at church.

In the dried fruit department, they truly went overboard. A regular amount of dried cherries and then a HUGE bag of dried cranberries! Look at how big that bag is! 

 But my favorite part was the personal letters from my Wittenberg family and some of my other friends. 9 individual, personal letters just for me! There is nothing as wonderful as a hand-written, thoughtful note from people you love. They made me laugh so much! You can hear the writer's voice through their writing. It makes me miss them so much, with all of their hugs and smiles, but this semester is coming to a close quite fast. Then I will be back at ISU to personally thank each person that wrote me a letter and to thank all of you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. .
    God is so good. Thanks Wittenberg Christian Family for being so loving!
